Jun 03, 2024
Boundaries...what is your first thought that comes to your mind when you think of that word?
Do you have good boundaries? Bad boundaries? Weak boundaries?
Whatever your answer is, this email will help you define them, begin to implement them, or get better at them.
Think of a boundary like your border to your personal (body, mind, soul & spirit) property.
If someone was to trespass your property line, there would be consequences for entering and potentially doing something harmful to you, right?
While emotional and relational boundaries aren't as straightforward because of dysfunctional family dynamics, messed up theology, never being modeled the skills or not having the emotional fortitude to implement them...
Whatever the reason, it does not matter.
What matters is what you think and do starting today.
Keep this in mind when it comes to boundaries:
- They are Biblical. They are God's idea and created for health, safety, and peace.
- They are beautiful. They make you a better, healthier person.
- They are beneficial. They allow for honesty, intimacy, depth and love in relationships.
9 truths about boundaries to start to believing:
1. A boundary is a request you make of someone to change a certain behavior and a consequence of what YOU will do to self protect if the boundary is violated.
2. Healthy boundaries promote self-responsibility. They lead to closer relationships with others.
3. Weak boundaries promote enmeshment & emotional childhood, which distances us from others.
4. A boundary is not an ultimatum. It's not a way of controlling another person so we can feel better.
5. Avoiding setting a boundary in fear that you might make the other person angry prevents any potential for true intimacy in the relationship.
6. The lack of boundary setting creates a relationship based on lies, pretenses, and resentment that results in relationships that aren't deep or intimate.
7. We must love & honor ourselves enough to tell the people in our lives the truth and set proper boundaries.
8. Boundaries are powerful when set out of love for yourself and the other person. They are for the benefit of both parties.
9. Following through with your boundaries and consequences is up to YOU and not dependent on the other person. They don't have to like it, agree with it, or support it.
If establishing and enforcing your boundaries has been a challenge, you're not alone.
And there is nothing wrong with you.
But there is no greater tool that you could begin to grow right now.
I am here to guide you and help you grow your boundaries to create a higher quality relationship with yourself and EVERY other person in your life.
Are you desiring better boundaries?
Your next step is to explore Comeback Coaching.
Let's build your beautiful boundaries together.
Your Coach,