Jun 03, 2024
I have been thinking about you.
I have been thinking about what staying stuck is costing you.
- It's costing you your happiness, your potential, and your joy.
- It's costing you your mental, emotional, and physical health.
- It's costing you your present peace and future version of yourself.
Let me ask you this.
Is it worth it?
Is staying stuck worth the cost you are currently paying?
Because you definitely are paying.
What are you doing about it?
Since I know you, I know that you definitely want to get unstuck.
I know that you don't want to stay in this place.
But you're not sure what to do OR how to do it.
This is where our stories intersect.
I have been where you are.
I have also done the aligned work to get unstuck.
I became a Comeback Coach to help you get unstuck,
Stop making the exchange of your happiness, potential, joy, peace and future,
And stop paying the price for your mental, emotional, and physical health.
This is your invitation to partner with me in getting unstuck for good,
Learn the tools for life, not just in your divorce and post divorce journey,
So you can stop paying the price that staying stuck is costing you.
Oh and you don't have to "feel" ready.
You actually can feel nervous, scared, and unsure.
You don't even need to feel confident.
You just need to be willing.
I will handle the rest.
Believing you can get unstuck,
Your Comeback Coach